up your self ag

How does the Rating Level work when entering a Target?

When you, as a People Manager, enter a Target, you first choose whether the Target should be evaluated for individual Employees or for a whole Team.

In both cases, each Employee has to give their own Self-Evaluation. The difference is that you as a People Manager either enter a separate Evaluation for each Employee (Employee Level) or evaluate several Employees together (Team Level).

Each Employee will receive the specified reward depending on your assessment. For example, if you set a Team Target with 1,000 points as a reward, this means that each Employee will receive these points if the team completes the target successfully.

The Rating Level Team should primarily be chosen if the Target is a Team performance that is achieved together.

If it is a Target that all Employees work on independently, then you should also evaluate them individually and define Employees as the Rating Level, even if you enter the same Target for several people.