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What types of Rewards can I enter?

Rewards increase motivation, indicate priorities and make the work more fun. The size of the reward is not that important – the concept of achieving something is what counts.

Points and monetary rewards are activated as reward types right from the start. Points are intended as relative rewards that stand for something in your company (e.g. additional vacation days, travel vouchers, etc.). You can also use the points otherwise, for example to divide a bonus pot between Employees. If you prefer, there is also the possibility to deactivate rewards altogether.

The size of the reward is scaled according to the People Manager's evaluation (Rating Scale).

Apart from monetary rewards and points, you are free to enter any other type of reward you wish.

Possible ideas are: Free coffee at the office, a free lunch, the best parking space in front of the office, pick your next assignment, or a voucher to say “I won't do that” once.

It is important to note that even rewards in kind above a certain exemption limit are taxable.

If you enter a reward type retrospectively, you must first activate the new reward type for existing People Managers.

This is a safety mechanism, which ensures that rewards are not automatically available to all People Managers.